Friday 24 February 2012

Section 7 - Presentation


Your work on our courses need to be produced in two forms.

(1). The written content needs to be produced in a blogger blog. We strongly advise that the work is written up using the Gibbs reflective Model headings and accompanied by images and contact sheets showing your development and progress as per the assignment requirements.

(2). Final images and hard-copy work - Copies of your research material, along with anything that cannot go on the blog will need to be kept in an A3 display folder (Approx £4- £5 each.

With regards to presentation we recommend that your work is produced using A3 display folders depending on how much practical work you do you'll generally need 4 or five of these across each year covering 2 units. If you shop around you can buy these for around £4.00 each.

The advantage of using them is that you're able to move the work around and edit the work and they're considerably lighter, cheaper and more managable than the traditional artists sketchbooks.

  • Make sure that you have 2 of these to start the course, one for on-going general work and the other will be for your A3 finals portfolio for each of the projects you undertake.
  • Make sure you clearly have your name on the front of the book with contact details (E.g course name and the colleges address and your tutors name. If you lose the work, the examining bodies offer very little in the way of sympathy and in most case you would need to re-do all of the work.
  • Make sure you number the pages on the plastic sleeves using an OHP pen - dsicreetly in the top RH corner.


As part of the enrolling and pre-enrollment activities you would have been required to produce a Photo-book which can cost as little as £10.00. Once you've experienced the process, you should seriously consider producing a similar or more advanced better quality version for the final presentation of your work alongside the production of the A3 folio.

As you go through the course and produce your final images for each of projects you'll be expected to scan any hard copy image "Finals" and produce A3 digital versions for inclusion in the A3 finals portfolio, make sure you keep these digital files as these will be needed to produce the Photo-book at the end of the course.

The Photo-book along with your A3 finals portfolio will demonstrate that you are very aware of the importance of presentation of your images and will be a superb approach to presenting your work when it comes to progressing onto either a HE course (Uni) or seeking work within industry.
Further guidance will be given during the pre-course events and once you're enrolled and on the course.

Plagiarism Any work that appears to be cut and pasted we check to see if you've plagiarised the work of others and if you had this will lead to disciplinary action and potentially removal from the course.

At the end of the course you should have...

An A3 folder with a good selection of final images from all of your projects. If you do this as you go along you'll slowly build a folio, putting you in good position once you start to get request to have interviews for Uni or work.

For a very good service that's cheap have a look at...

The examples of our current students work produced through this lab are increadibly good quality and very reasonable with regards to the price. 18" x 12" glossy or matt prints are currently £1.20 (Jan 2014). So well worth a look if you're serious about your A-Level photography.

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