Tuesday 4 November 2014

1.1 Critically compare a range of critical perspectives that influence the analysis of art and design

1.1   Critically compare a range of critical perspectives that influence the analysis of art and design

 Taking a critical perspective involves adopting a viewpoint that asks questions about the rationale and legitimacy of something. The idea behind critical thinking is to remove normal biases from a point of view to determine whether a conclusion is the most valid one. To do this, a subject must be thoroughly analysed.

 All of your photography must be under-pinned by research. The more you research and the more you question and explore other people’s approaches to their photography, the more informed your photography will become. At the start of all your projects you must explore the photography of others who work in similar or associated fields, or use an approach that you wish to explore. As an absolute minimum you must find two bodies of work or photographers that work in the same area of photography that you are about to undertake. Identify a series of images or a single image that you wish to analyse and deconstruct. This will form the basis of your research.

So, in order to compare a range of critical perspectives you must initially present a minimum of three or four viewpoints. We therefore advocate that you do the following…

(1). Present your own initial viewpoint without any analysis.

(2). Present the viewpoint of others via primary research – conduct a survey, consider using Survey Monkey

(3) & (4). Present the opinion and viewpoints of 2 people that have a more in-depth knowledge of the subject – Reviewers, critics, academics etc.

 You’ll have now collated 3 or 4 critical perspectives relating to your research; all that now remains is that you make sense of the information, forming a potentially more informed critical perspective of your research.

The final analysis where you make sense of all the opinions should be produced in the form of the Gibbs reflection of your research process. It’s at this point you might want to use the 13 point analysis prompt?


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